

Here are the features that we provide within our custom CMS:
1.   Responsive front end template. Customized based on the client’s requirement.
2.   Responsive back end template for managing the entire website.
3.   Basic SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
4.   1 year guaranteed support for any malfunction.
PHP:- We mainly use PHP as our server side scripting language and provide any fresh development and customization within it.
MYSQL:- We use MySql as Database engine for our project and product.
APACHE:- We use Apache as our web server. Linux:- We prefer Linux as Operating system for hosting our project in server.
HTML5:- We use HTML5 for designing the responsive and non-responsive website design.
JAVASCRIPT / JQUERY / ANGUALR JS:- We use JavaScript, Jquery or Angular JS for providing the client side effect and form validation.
ADOBE PHOTOSHOP:- We use Photoshop tools to create the design PSD and images required for our project.
IOS & Android & Windows mobile app using PhoneGap and Cordova Framework
We use these to framework to develop the mobile applications which are supported by all standard platforms that includes iOs, Android and Windows mobile.
IOS mobile app using Native Objective C & Swift Technology:
We provide support for native iOs development using Objective C and Swift technology, we have experience resource and setup to provide you with the quality updates.
Android mobile app using Native J2ME Technology:
We provide support for native Android development using native J2ME technology; we have experience resource and setup to provide you with the quality updates.
We provide CMS and Blog website development using Word Press package. We provide complete customization that includes theme creation, module creation, plug-in and widget creation for Word Press.
ECOMMERCE:- We have our own setup ready for providing complete ecommerce support that consists of all major and advance ecommerce functionality that includes following.
1.   Responsive front end store design, and customization based on client’s requirement.
2.   Responsive back end section to manage category, product, discount coupon, orders, invoice, customers, CMS, email template, newsletter and many more.
3.   Front end store with product listing search and details page with add to cart and checkout functionality with payment gateway integration.

MAGENTO: We have an expert team of Magento developers. We provide customization on Magento theme, extension and installation as well.
WOOCOMMERCE: We provide customization and complete support for Word Press Woo commerce based ecommerce website development.
OPENCART: We provide customization and installation and development of ecommerce website using Open Cart ecommerce package.
MOBILE APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT (HYBRID):- To develop mobile application we generally used cross platform, such as Phone Gap or Cordova. Here are the steps that we generally follows for the cross platform based mobile app development.